Page 14 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 14
SC Takes back Directives to Remove Wahab as FIR Registered against Nasla Tower
Karachi Administrator after ‘Unconditional’ Apology Builders, Officials of Civic Agencies
Karachi: The Supreme Court on ment?” Wahab questioned, say- Karachi: Karachi police on Monday
Monday took back its directions ing that “major observations are” registered a case against the builder
to Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali made about the provincial gov- of Nasla Tower and officials of vari-
Shah, issued earlier in the day, to ernment by the court. ous civic agencies and departments
remove Murtaza Wahab as Karachi “Silence yourself mister, what in pursuance of a Supreme Court
administrator after he tendered an are you saying? Don’t do politics order.
“unconditional” apology. here,” the chief justice reprimand- The apex court on Monday had
The court directed that the ed the administrator. ordered police and the Anti-Corrup-
post of administrator be “kept “Get out from here. We will tion Establishment (ACE) to take de-
away from politics” and in - fire you right now. Are you an ad- partmental action and separate-l y
structed Wahab to fulfil h i s ministrator or a political leader?” register cases against owners of t h e
responsibilities while remaining Justice Gulzar questioned. He re- building, concerned officials of the
above “political affiliation and marked that an administrator was Sindh Building Control Authority
pressure”. appointed to serve the people in (SBCA), Sindhi Muslim Cooperative
Earlier, a two-member bench to either become interveners or an impartial manner and the po- Housing Society and other govern-
comprising Chief Justice Gulzar impleading parties in the main sition was not meant to be used ment departments for giving approv-
Ahmed and Justice Qazi Mo- petition filed by former city Na- for politics. al of such a construction in violation
hammad Amin issued a direc- zim Naimatullah Khan in 2010, “The administrator, prima of the law.
tive for Wahab’s removal after an seeking SC’s intervention to get facie, failed to perform his duties. The bench had observed that the
exchange with him while hear- the amenity plots vacated from The administrator’s behavior is SBCA officials had violated the law
ing numerous important matters ‘land mafia and political parties’ that of political leaders [and] not and each and every official involved
pertaining to unauthorized and in the city. of serving the citizens,” the chief was liable not only to face depart-
illegal construction, encroach- Attorney General of Pakistan justice remarked. mental inquiries but also be booked
ments of amenity plots, conver- Khalid Jawed Khan, Advocate The court ordered Wahab’s under the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) an incorrect document with intent
sion of residential properties into General of Sindh Salman Talib Ud immediate removal and directed and Prevention of Corruption Act. to cause injury), 218 (public servant
commercial ones and the issue Din, Karachi Commissioner Iqbal the Sindh chief minister to ap- The bench had ordered for two framing incorrect record or writing
of two private hospitals allegedly Memon, Wahab and senior Di- point an “impartial and compe- separate first information reports with intent to save person from pun-
running their health facilities on rector of the Anti-Encroachment tent” person in his place. (FIR) to be registered against the ishment or property from forfeiture),
amenity plots at the apex court’s Department Bashir Siddiqui were In October this year, the Su- SBCA officials and other government 408 (criminal breach of trust by clerk
Karachi registry. present during today’s hearing. preme Court had directed the officials concerned at the ACE and or servant), 409 (criminal breach of
A petition filed in 2014 seek- During the hearing of a mat- Karachi administrator to remove police station concerned, while di- trust by public servant, or by banker,
ing possession of Hindu Gymkha- ter related to the Gutter Baghicha encroachments on the premises recting the ACE and the DIG-East to merchant or agent), 420 (cheating
na, a matter about Nasla Tower’s Park, Justice Amin, while ad- of the Gutter Baghicha park and file compliance reports in one week. and dishonestly inducing delivery of
demolition, applications about re- dressing Wahab remarked, “These restore it to its original shape and On Monday, Station House Of- property) and 447 (criminal trespass)
habilitation of affectees dislocated are state lands [and] not your per- to properly maintain it for public. ficer Muhammad Khushnud Javed of the PPC.
due to the anti-encroachment sonal property. [You will] have to The apex court had further registered an FIR at Ferozeabad po- The FIR, a copy of which is avail-
drive in Karachi and the cases re- return them. If we don’t take them ordered him to ensure that all lice station under sections 34 (com- able with, said the city
garding the Karachi Circular Rail- [back] then someone else will. playgrounds for children must be mon intention), 161 (public servant commissioner was ordered to submit
way were fixed for hearing. You will return the lands,” Justice restored after immediate removal taking gratification other than legal a report to the court after an investi-
There are 118 civil miscella- Amin thundered. of encroachments. remuneration in respect to an offi- gation from various departments re-
neous applications (CMAs) filed “Should we leave the govern- cial act), 167 (public servant framing lated to the tower.
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