Page 4 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
P. 4

P4 - PAKISTAN LINK - JANUARY 20, 2023                                                                                                        OPINION
        Pakistan Link                   n By Mowahid Hussain Shah        End of an Innings                                    et-keeper batsman that Pakistan has
                                                                                                                                  Imtiaz was easily the best wick-

                                        n the cold early hours of Decem-                                                      produced. His safe-keeping to Fazal’s
                                        ber  31,  2017,  in  Washington  –                                                    bowling  –  during  Pakistan’s  1st  de-
                Advisory Board
            Dr Sohail Masood         I amidst meek capitulation of the     Who  knew  that  angels  lived  mentioned how the hook shots of Im- cade  in  cricket  –  was  a  hallmark  of
                                     Pakistan  cricket  team  Down-Under  amongst us, let alone in our home?  tiaz against his most lethal bumpers  Pakistan’s iconic successes.
                  President                     – I was woken up by   During  an  era  when  wickets  caused nightmares.          Imtiaz  was  a  piece  of  Pakistani
            Arif Zaffar Mansuri                 a  phone  call  from  were  uncovered,  umpires  were  par-  It’s  a  folly  to  measure  Imtiaz’s
        my  older  brother  in
                                                Lahore,  cricket  his-                                                            During an era when
         Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui                  torian  Mujahid  Syed,                                                          wickets were uncovered,
             that  co-founder  of                                                             umpires were partisan,
                                                Pakistan  cricket,  Im-
           Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief   tiaz Ahmed, is no more.                                                            and no protective equip-
                  (Pakistan)            A little later the same day, I got
              Shabbir Ghori                                                                                                      ment was available, he
         an  email  message  from  the  visit-
                                     ing  professor  of  Government  Col-                                                         captured the heart of
             Resident Editor Urdu Link   lege, Lahore, the eminent Dr Ishtiaq
            & Director Video Operations  Ahmed,  emblazoned  with  the  poi-                                                    millions of Pakistanis by
             Anwar Khawaja                                                                                                     his brave hooking against
    gnant subject headline, “ ‘And Imtiaz
                                     is Out!’ Omar Kureshi would say and                                                          the fastest bowlers of
           Manager  Sales  &  Advertising    my heart would sink!”                                                               the world. In his book,
        A few days earlier, Zaigham (Im-
                                     tiaz’s son) had informed me that Im-                                                       “Pace Like Fire”, speed-
               Regional Offices
                                     tiaz was ill and in ICU. I knew Imtiaz
                  YKKB               well.  He  had  spoken  at  the  Lahore                                                     merchant Wesley Hall
           launch  of  my  book,  “Will  &  Skill.”                                                   mentioned how the hook
                                     He  had  also  honored  me  when  he
                Sacramento, CA       asked  me  several  years  ago  to  write                                                   shots of Imtiaz against
  the Foreword for his still-to-be-pub-  Imtiaz Ahmed shaking the hand of US President Eisenhower, National Stadium, Karachi,   his most lethal bumpers

            San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA  lished book.               December 1959. In the middle is Fazal Mahmood, and to the right of Imtiaz are Hanif and   caused nightmares.
  Christopher Martin-Jenkins was   Waqar.  Eisenhower became the first US President to watch Test cricket - Facebook
                                     right on target when he called Imtiaz
                New York, NY
    one  of  the  rocks  on  which  Pakistan  tisan,  and  no  protective  equipment  career  through  mere  statistics.
                                     cricket  was  built.  Imtiaz  remained  was  available,  he  captured  the  heart  Whilst an Islamia College teenager,  history and symbolized the romance
                 Houston, TX         an unassuming man who dabbled in  of millions of Pakistanis by his brave  in 1945, he hit a hundred at Lahore  of  cricket  of  a  vanished  era  when
                                     romantic poetry. There was nothing  hooking  against  the  fastest  bowlers  against the visiting Australian XI led  money did not matter and passion to
                 Phoenix, AZ
                Ontario, Canada
          Letters to the Editor
        Readers  are  welcome  to  express  their
        opinion in these columns. Please keep
        your letters brief and to the point.  Let-
        ters  without  full  name,  complete  ad-
        dress, and a daytime phone number will
        not be published. Also, copies of letters
        sent  to  other  newspapers  are  not  en-
        couraged. Letters can be mailed, faxed
        or e-mailed to the Editor at the Pakistan
        Link Headquarters address listed below.
        Pakistan Link (ISSN 1074-0406) is pub-
        lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC,
             DBA PL Publications, LLC.
        Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA
           and additional mailing offices.
        POST MASTER: Send address changes to                                                     Kardar, Fazal and Imtiaz
        Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238,  Anaheim,
                  CA 92815                                                                      by  Lindsay  Hassett  –  including  the  perform did.
        The  management  has  the  right  to  re-
        fuse to print any advertisement, news,                                                  legendary  Keith  Miller  –  immedi-  Great  players  leave  a  great  im-
        article,  letter  or  any  other  material.  In                                         ately after the end of World War II.  pact. Imtiaz left the game well over 50
        case of any errors in advertisement the                                                 In  1948,  when  Pakistan  was  a  tod- years ago, when he hit 98 during his
        management will not be liable for more
        than the amount paid for the advertise-                                                 dler nation, his hundred – Pakistan’s  farewell Test at the Oval. His daunt-
               ment to the Link.                                                                1st ever against an international Test  less playing style reflected the dreams
        Advertisements  in  Pakistan  Link  are                                                 team – versus the West Indies led by  of so many.
        placed in good faith. The newspaper is
        not responsible nor endorses the con-                                                   John Goddard at Lahore nearly beat   In  batting  for  Pakistan,  Imtiaz
        tents of any advertisement. In case of a                                                the visitors. And, in 1951, at Bom- was battling for Pakistan. He – along
        frivolous lawsuit, the plaintiff will bear
        the total cost of the suit, including but                                               bay,  he  stroked  an  epic  300 for  the  with  Kardar,  Fazal,  Hanif,  and  Jus-
        not limited to the Link’s costs and the                                                 Prime Minister XI versus a powerful  tice  A.R.  Cornelius  –  unforgettably
                attorney’s fees.                                                                Commonwealth  side.  For  decades,  stamped the presence and the iden-
             Information for                                                                    this knock stood out as the highest  tity of the young nation on the inter-
               Subscribers                                                                      score by an Asian player in the Sub- national arena.
         The printing of Pakistan Link is un-                                                   continent  against  a  visiting  side.  It
         failingly  completed  by  Wednesday                                                    gave  Pakistan  cricket  the  self-belief
         every week and its copies are hand-                                                                                                 Views    and
         ed  over  to  the  mailing  house  for                                                 that it could compete at the highest
         prompt dispatch to the subscribers.                                                    level. From 1947-52, Imtiaz lost his         opinions  ex-
         The Link should reach its destination                                                                                               pressed   by
         on  time  if  there  is  no  delay  at  the   unassuming though in his approach  of the world. In his book, “Pace Like  peak years because Pakistan had yet   authors  and
         post office. If a delay is occasioned it   to the game.   Fire”,  speed-merchant  Wesley  Hall  to gain Test status.
         is in no way attributable to the per-                                                                                               contributors
         formance of Link’s management. In                                                                                                   in    articles,
         case  of  delayed  receipt  of  Pakistan                                                                                            letters,  opin-
         Link or missing issues, please contact
         your local Post Office and submit a    Saudi Arabia Mulling    ing  on  deposits  into  the  Pakistan  to discussions about trade in cur-  ion pieces, reports, advertise-
             “Publication Watch” form.  ‘Creative Ways’ to Support Pakistan  central bank to $5 billion.  rencies other than the US dollar.  ments, etc appearing in Paki-
               Tel: 714-400-3400          (Continued from page 1)     “We are providing even oil and   “There are no issues with dis-  stan Link and Urdu Link are
               Fax: 714-400-3404     Earlier this month, Saudi state me- derivatives to support their energy  cussing  how  we  settle  our  trade   their own. The paper neither
           E-Mail:                                                                                     shares  nor  endorses  them
                                     dia  reported  the  kingdom  could  needs,” Al Jadaan said. “So there is  arrangements, whether it is in the
            Pakistan Office          boost  its  investments  in  cash- a lot of efforts, but we wanted this  US  dollar,  whether  it  is  the  euro,   and thus should not be held
                                                                                                                               responsible  for  the  views/
               42 Rehman Court       strapped  Pakistan  to  $10  billion,  to be conducted.”   whether  it  is  the  Saudi  riyal,”  Al-  opinions of the writers & ad-
         Plaza Square,  Off  M. A.  Jinnah Road  from  the  $1  billion  announced  in   Separately,  the  minister  also  Jadaan  told  Bloomberg  TV  on
             Karachi-74400, Pakistan  August, as well as increase the ceil- indicated that Saudi Arabia is open  Tuesday.      vertisers.
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