Page 5 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
P. 5

OPINION                                                                                                               PAKISTAN LINK - JANUARY 20, 2023 - P5
           n By Dr Akbar S. Ahmed         Cool Encounters                                       walked  toward  the  door.  Someone  and  young  men  kicking  footballs,
             American University                                                                was  waiting  inside  and  opened  the  and  even  the  cushions  to  sit  on  in
               Washington, DC                                                                   door  straightaway.  We  were  taken  the atrium resembled the colors of a
                                                                                                upstairs to the living room which was  football and were designed as deflat-
           ocieties  that  are  confident  in                                                   of modest proportions and had mod- ed  footballs.  Dr  Kreft  explained  the
           their identity are more accept-                                                      est furniture. A small table had been  German passion for football and how
       S ing of difference, whether racial                                                      arranged  for  lunch.  The  menu  was  Germans relate their pride and iden-
       or  religious.  There  is  a  ‘cool’  factor                                             simple and there was no dessert. We  tity with their fortunes as a football-
                  where  the  arts  are                                                         were joined by two of Salmond’s staff. playing nation.
                  freely  pursued,  there                                                           Salmond himself was the perfect   As we were ushered into the of-
                  is an environment of                                                          host  —  hospitable,  humorous  and  fice  of  Dr  Koch,  I  was  struck  by  its
                  openness and creativ-                                                         full of anecdotes. Harrison who was  simplicity.  Arsallah  Khan  Hoti  and
                  ity and acceptance of                                                         proud  of  his  Scottish  ancestry  was  Dr Amineh Hoti, who were with me,
                  religious and cultural                                                        thrilled  by Salmond and so  was my  could  not  help  compare  the  humil-
                  diversity.                                                                    grandson Ibrahim who was the more  ity and simplicity of the VIP we were
          I saw this in my first encounter                                                      difficult to please as he was a teenager  meeting  to  Pakistan’s  elite.  Apart
       with the US in the 1980s when I ar-  The fact that the picture hung alone, high above us, almost as a talisman, conveyed to me   and not so impressed by high office or  from  one  black  and  white  picture,
       rived  at  the  Institute  for  Advanced  that it had some deep meaning for the occupant of the office. It was Schopenhauer, the   age. As Salmond entered the room, I  there was nothing else — no pomp-
       Study  in  Princeton.  I  was  struck  by   German philosopher. Wow, I thought to myself; this was German cool - Goodreads  held out my hand to shake his hand.  ous-looking pictures of heads of state
       how  civilized,  welcoming  and  gen-                                                    He reached out and embraced me.  or the minister, no colorful calendars
       erous Americans were. Today in Eu- sions of Scottishness developed over  and the nations of East Europe, where   But  it  was  Salmond’s  humility  of the Alps, no football hero scoring
       rope  this  is  happening  in  Germany,  years of English domination” (Karen  the  opposite  is  true  —  they  are  not  and  humor  that  won  over  Ibrahim.  goals  in  heroic  poses  while  distort-
       a  vibrant,  innovative  and  open  na- Gardiner, “ Is it the end of the Scot- confident,  are  insecure,  and  unsure  In fact, when Salmond took pictures  ing  his  limbs,  and  no  photographs
       tion  with  confidence  and  a  thriving  tish Cringe? “ BBC News, January 25,  of themselves, thus reverting to pri- with him, he lent across with his el- of  poised  wives  and  scrubbed  chil-
       artistic spirit, notably in Berlin. It is  2016).           mordial forms of identity that resist  bow  on  Ibrahim’s  shoulder  and  his  dren  with  shiny  faces  which  are  so
       also  happening  in  Scotland,  which   Societies that feel confident and  outsiders. With the economic crisis,  legs  crossed  in  a  mock  vaudeville  common in offices in the US. I was
       has steadily become an artistic haven,  are dynamic are able to integrate out- xenophobia, terrorism and the enor- comic pose as if they were old bud- intrigued by who was in that photo-
       recognized around the world and on  siders comfortably. In Scotland, I saw  mous  flows  of  refugees,  you  have  a  dies. All this was cool enough; then,  graph.  Perhaps  his  father,  I  thought
       the cutting edge in the fields of visual  proof of this when I met two immi- perfect storm in these countries.  as we left, Salmond said to me we will  but decided it was someone else. The
       art, fashion, literature and music.  grants who held important positions.   I saw this confidence and cool in  meet again,  inshallah.  fact that the picture hung alone, high
          Both  Germany  and  Scotland  Scotland had appointed a young man  visits to both Scotland and Germany.   In  Berlin,  I  had  the  occasion  above us, almost as a talisman, con-
       are increasingly comfortable in their  with  a  Pakistani  background  to  an  In 2013, I visited Alex Salmond for a  to call on the senior German envoy  veyed  to  me  that  it  had  some  deep
       identity  —  witness  the  response  to  important position in the cabinet and  private  lunch  in  the  First  Minister’s  in-charge  of  Afghanistan  and  Paki- meaning for the occupant of the of-
       two  significant  2014  events  in  both  fielded another, a woman this time, as  residence  in  Edinburgh.  Accompa- stan,  Dr  Michael  Koch.  The  meet- fice.  It  was  Schopenhauer,  the  Ger-
       countries:  Germany’s  World  Cup  a Member of Parliament. In Germa- nying me were Harrison Akens, my  ing had been arranged by our friend  man philosopher. Wow, I thought to
       victory and Scotland’s holding of its  ny,   Angela Merkel   took in over one  assistant  from  Washington  DC  and  Dr Heinrich Kreft who had received  myself; this was German cool.
       referendum  on  independence.  Both  million  refugees  when  the  US,  tra- Ibrahim Hoti, my grandson who had  me  at  the  reception.  As  we  walked   (Akbar Ahmed is the Ibn Khal-
       resulted  in  a  surge  of  confidence  ditionally  hospitable  to  immigrants,  joined  us  from  Pakistan.  When  we  through the impressive foreign office  dun Chair of Islamic Studies, School
       in  their  identity  following  years  of  accepted  a  mere  2,600  with  heated  arrived in the taxi, I asked the driver  building, I could not help but notice  of International Service, American
       self-loathing,  for  Germans  horror  debate  accompanied  by  unpleasant  whether he was sure this was where  the vast central space at the entrance,  University,  Washington  DC.  He  is
       and  soul-searching  at  their  culpa- abuse (a presidential candidate called  the First Minister lived because I did  festooned and decorated with a foot- a Wilson Center Global Fellow. He
       bility in the Second World War and  Syrian refugees “rabid dogs”).  not  see  a  single  policeman  outside  ball motif. It was in the days leading  was the former Pakistan High Com-
       for Scots the “Scottish Cringe: a per-  The  situation  in  Scotland  and  the house or anywhere in the entire  up to the World Cup final and there  missioner  to  the  UK  and  Ireland
       sistent  sense  of  inferiority,  self-pity  Germany can be contrasted with that  square.  The  driver  said  he  was  sure  was  a  genuine  football  fever  in  the  and in 1970-71 was Assistant Com-
       and embarrassment at overt expres- in European countries such as Greece  saying,  “Not  in  Scotland!”  and  we  land. There were images of footballs  missioner in East Pakistan.)

                                       China and India, Not Just Mexico,                                                      through Additional Nations to Yield
             n By Sunita Sohrabji                                                                                             the  Fighting  Emerging  Narcotics

             hina  and  increasingly  India                                                                                   Lasting  (FENTANYL)  Results  Act
             produce  more  than  90%  of     Feed US Fentanyl Addiction                                                      was  signed  into  law  last  year.  The
       C the  precursor  drugs  neces-                                                                                        legislation,  sponsored  by  Senators
       sary to manufacture the fentanyl con-                                                                                  Jeanne  Shaheen,  D-New  Hamp-
       sumed  in  the  US,  which  challenges                                                                                 shire,  Rob  Portman,  R-Ohio,  and
       the  narrative  that  Mexican  cartels                                                                                 John  Cornyn,  R-Texas  would  build
       alone  are  responsible  for  America’s                                                                                foreign law enforcement capacity to
       opioid crisis.                                                                                                         detect synthetic drugs.
          Drug  trafficking  from  Mexico  to                                                                                     A research paper published last
       the US was a front-burner issue at the                                                                                 October  in  the  journal  Frontiers
       North American Leaders Summit Jan                                                                                      in  Public  Health  noted  that  India’s
       10, when President Joe Biden and Ca-                                                                                   large  pharmaceutical  industry  cre-
       nadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau                                                                                   ates  a  perfect  environment  for  the
       met  with  Mexico’s  President  Andres                                                                                 manufacturing  of  synthetic  fentan-
       Manuel Lopez Obrador in Mexico City.                                                                                   yl. The Center for Strategic and In-
          Ahead of the summit, Biden ex-                                                                                      ternational Studies noted the emer-
       pressed  his  frustration  with  Mexico                                                                                gence of India’s involvement in the
       for its alleged lack of cooperation on                                                                                 opioid  crisis  in  a  paper  published
       drug  trafficking.  The  three  leaders                                                                                in  2018,  focusing  on  the  country’s
       agreed  to  expand  the  provisions  of                                                                                massive  production  of  tramadol,  a
       the North American Drug Dialogue.                                                                                      less powerful opioid.
          But a bilateral approach may not                                                                                        More  than  107,000  people  died
       necessarily be the end of all fentanyl,                                                                                of a drug overdose in the 12-month
       notes Ariel Ruiz Soto, policy analyst                                                                                  period ending August 2022, accord-
       at the Migration Policy Institute. “We                                                                                 ing to the Centers for Disease Con-
       should be talking about how China is  manufacture the drug, as well as con- significantly vetted they are when they  spected,” he said.  trol and Prevention. More than two-
       absent from this conversation.”    tinuing to supply fentanyl that is 90%  come into the US Mexico border.”  “99%  of  the  fentanyl  is  coming  thirds of those deaths are attributed
          China initially fed the US much of  pure,  versus  supplies  from  Mexico   An  employee  of  the  US  Inter- from  precursor  drugs  from  China,”  to synthetic opioids such as fentanyl.
       its fentanyl supply. Since 2016, when  that often have less than 10% concen- national Trade Commission — who  Rep David Trone, D-Maryland, said  Just two grams of the drug, less than
       fentanyl  made  a  significant  presence  tration of the drug.  spoke on background — told Ethnic  in a press statement last month. The  a teaspoon of salt, can be lethal. Fen-
       on US shores, 97% of the illegal fen-  Ruiz  Soto  noted  the  majority  of  Media Services that shipments of fen- congressman  ushered  the  bipartisan  tanyl is 50 times more powerful than
       tanyl used in the US was sold on the  fentanyl  comes  through  ports  of  en- tanyl from China were made via the  Eradicating Narcotic Drugs and For- heroin  and  100  times  stronger  than
       dark web and shipped in from China.  try,  not  between  ports  of  entry.  “So,  postal  service  or  expedited  delivery  mulating Effective New Tools to Ad- morphine; it has remained the lead-
          While  Mexican  cartels  have  there should be better screening, there  services, such as FedEx.  dress  National  Yearly  Losses  of  Life  ing  cause  of  death  for  Americans
       largely  taken  over  some  of  the  pro- should be more investment in detec-  “One of the major problems of  (END FENTANYL) Act through the  aged between 18 and 45 since 2019.
       duction and much the distribution of  tion of drugs at the US ports of entry.”  detecting  fentanyl  trafficking  from  House.  The  Senate  passed  a  similar   On December 9, 2022, EMS host-
       the deadly drug since 2020, China —   “But  that  shouldn’t  be  conflated  China was the overwhelming num- version of the bill last summer, led by  ed a briefing with journalist Sam Qui-
       and increasingly India — produce the  with  how  migrants  seeking  asylum  ber  of  packages  coming  through.  Sen Rick Scott, R-Florida.  nones on America’s growing fentanyl
       majority of components necessary to  are  arriving  between  ports  and  how  Not all of them were able to be in-  Another  measure,  known  as  epidemic. – Ethnic Media Services
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