Page 6 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
P. 6

P6 - PAKISTAN LINK - JANUARY 20, 2023                                                                                                        OPINION
          n By Abdul Malik Mujahid                                                                                            hammad to do convey His message to
                 Chicago, IL              The Prophet’s Three                                                                 people. (Qur’an 33:45-46).
                                                                                                                                  Growing  up,  I  attended  a  Ma-
          f you had seen the two men, bro-                                                                                    drassa  in  Pakistan  where  students
          ken and bleeding from the rocks                                                                                     were  required  to  read  pre-Islamic
       I thrown at them, you would have                                                                                       poetry, which was the primary com-
       easily dismissed the idea that today,         Cs of Success                                                            munication  in  the  Prophet’s  time.  I
                  we  would  be  writing                                                                                      noticed that the Prophet used every
                  an article about their                                                                                      method  available.  This  included  in-
                  success  story  -  espe-                                                                                    viting people, hanging a notice on the
                  cially  the  one  whose                                                                                     door  of  the  Kaba,  dinners,  visiting
                  shoes were filled with                                                                                      Makkah’s 14 flea markets, and more.
                  blood.                                                                                                          We cannot work on the Prophet-
                      But  this  man,                                                                                         ic mission of peace and justice, which
                  Prophet Muhammad,                                                                                           he assigned us in his last sermon at
       peace  and  blessings  be  upon  him,                                                                                  the  mount  of  Arafat,  without  con-
       did not despair, even in his pain. He                                                                                  necting  and  communicating  effec-
       prayed sincerely, deeply, and fervent-                                                                                 tively with others.
       ly. He did not know the future, but he                                                                                     We must observe what means of
       knew  that  even  in  his  state  of  utter                                                                            communication are used in our time,
       desperation, he needed to act, along                                                                                   what methods are most effective, and
       with putting his full trust in God. It                                                                                 do our duty.
       was his determination to act in these                                                                                      That  is  what  God  will  ask  us
       circumstances  that  made  the  differ-                                                                                about. So, let’s ask ourselves now.
          He  asked  himself:  What  can  I                                                                                   2. Care for humanity
       do? What do I control? What is my   Yet,  despite  these  statistics,  the  prophets  was  appointed  by  God  to   The Prophet developed three key   We must become better human
       responsibility?               victims of the violence are blamed for  help people stand up for peace, jus- strategies  grounded  in  the  Qur’an.  beings  ourselves,  individually,  to  be
          Muslim  blood  flows  like  water.  being violent themselves.  tice,  fairness  and  equity.  (Qur’an  Following these three success strate- able to carry the Prophetic mission of
       The largest concentration camp in the   Muslims’  struggle  for  freedom,  57:25)        gies now is Sunnah, or the path of the  helping people to stand up for peace,
       world is currently filled with Uyghur  peace, justice and Islam itself in dif-  It  was  this  prophetic  mission  Prophet for us. I call them the “three  justice, fairness, and equity.
       Muslims. The largest refugee camp is  ferent parts of the world is also under  which  the  Prophet  was  striving  for.  ‘c’ strategies”.  And  the  only  way  we  become
       filled with the Rohingya Muslims of  attack. Dictators, colonizers, Islamo- But hardly anyone was listening.           better  human  beings  is  by  taking
       Burma. India has taken away the citi- phobes, and terrorists are using every   As bad as things are for us, con- 1. Communication  care of those who are oppressed or in
       zenship of 4 million Muslims.  means  to  suppress  a  movement  for  sider this: The Prophet was in an ut-  The Prophet used each and every  need.
          The  “War  on  Terror”  began  in  freedom and liberty.  ter  state  of  helplessness  during  his  means of communication available at   Throughout  the  Qur’an,  we  see
       2001, and its fallout has been docu-  It’s very easy to discuss the state  Prophethood  in  Makkah.  He  had  that time in Arabia to convey his mes- this.  In  Surah  Al-Maun  (Qur’an,
       mented. A Johns Hopkins University  of the Ummah over coffee table con- about a hundred people who followed  sage. So, the path of the Prophet, Sun- chapter 107), God mentions two sets
       study found that over a ten-year peri- versations,  lamenting  the  apathy  or  him. Eighty percent of his followers  nah, for us is to use each and every  of  the  characteristics  of  the  person
       od, two million people died a violent  heartlessness of those we don’t con- escaped to Habasha (North East Af- means of communication available in  who denies faith. The first set is that
       death at the hands of war or terror- trol.  But  what  am  I  doing  about  it?  rica). As his followers continued to be  our time for the Prophetic mission of  s/he  does  not  care  for  the  hungry,
       ism in Iraq and Afghanistan. Another  What are you doing?   tortured and killed, he sought a safe  establishing  peace,  justice,  fairness,  turns away the orphan, and does not
       study on the same topic put the num-  Prophet Muhammad, peace and  haven, where the Muslims could pray  and equity in the society.  share what s/he has. The second is
       ber at four million.          blessings be upon him, like all other  and worship in peace and security.  God  appointed  Prophet  Mu-  (Continued on page 23)

        n By Mahasin D. Shamsid-Deen   This is What MLK Day is Truly about                                                    of the oppressed and marginalized in
                   USA                                                                                                        the society.
                                                                                                                                  The  struggle  and  sacrifices  of
            he  service  component  of  the                                                                                   these  Americans  was  not  in  vain.
            MLK  Jr  Day  federal  holiday                                                      strength  to  work  and  try  to  make  Most public spaces and schools in the
       T is  often  overlooked.  For  far                                                       things real for my children, I'm going  US now offer equal access to people
       too  many  Americans,  it  is  simply                                                    to work for it - even if it means mak- of  all  ethnic  and  religious  groups.
       a day off work or out of school. But                                                     ing the ultimate sacrifice.”  Most  states  ensure  voting  rights  for
       the significance of the “service” that                                                       - Medgar Evers            all citizens, although this is constant-
       Americans are encouraged to do on                                                            “Any time you know you're with- ly under attack.  Labor and civil rights
       that  day  should  be  understood  and                                                   in  the  law,  within  your  legal  rights,  legislation  has  been  passed  that  has
       valued. We should emulate the efforts                                                    within  your  moral  rights,  in  accord  eased some systemic injustice. Some
       of our servant-leaders who gave their                                                    with  justice,  then  die  for  what  you  of the efforts of Medgar Evers and Dr
       life in service to improving the lives                                                   believe in.”                  King have been realized. Also, the US
       and status of their community.                                                               - Malcolm X               census  revealed  that  two  percent  of
          There were three ‘M’ martyrs of                                                           “If physical death is the price that  African  Americans  are  Muslim  and
       the Civil Rights Movement: Medgar,                                                       I must pay to free my white brothers  59% of American-born Muslims are
       Malcolm and Martin. Medgar Evers                                                         and  sisters from a permanent death  African  American.  Informal  Afro-
       was assassinated June 12, 1963 for his  their local communities.   life  and  work  of  Dr  Martin  Luther  of  the  spirit,  then  nothing  can  be  centric social scientists postulate that
       efforts to integrate the University of                      King  Jr  but  is  also  representative  of  more redemptive.”  one in ten African-American families
       Mississippi, end segregation in public  How MLK Jr Day Started   the struggles of all those who literally   - Martin Luther King Jr   have Islamic influence through fam-
       places, and expand voting rights for   The efforts to have a Martin Lu- gave their lives in service to improv-  These  men  were  by  no  means  ily  or  associations.  Thus,  the  efforts
       ethnic  minorities;  Malcolm  Shabazz  ther King Jr holiday started just four  ing the lives of and relieving the dis- the only martyrs of this fight for free- of Malcolm Shabazz to expose Islam
       was  assassinated  February  21,  1965  days  after  his  assassination  in  1968,  tress of racism and injustice imposed  dom, justice, and equality. The list of  to the African-American community
       for being an advocate for social jus- when  Representative  John  Conyers  upon their community.  people  killed  by  America’s  racists  is  has also been realized.
       tice,  Black  empowerment  and  self- called for a day to honor him. But it   Medgar,  Malcolm,  and  Martin  long  and  painful,  and  not  everyone   Those  martyrs  from  the  civil
       determination, and pushing for Black  would  be  15  years  before  Congress  all  knew  that  their  efforts  of  civic  who  worked  in  service  to  improve  rights  and  social  justice  era  volun-
       acceptance of Islam as a new way of  would pass a bill designating the third  engagement,  social  justice  and  eth- their  community  anticipated  a  vio- teered  their  time  for  days,  months,
       life;  Martin  Luther  King  Jr  was  as- Monday in January as a federal holi- nic empowerment and self-determi- lent death at the hands of racists.    and  years  to  work  against  institu-
       sassinated April 4, 1968 for standing  day  commemorating  King  Jr.  Many  nation put their lives in danger. The   In 1963 four little girls were as- tionalized racism and oppression and
       against  segregation  and  worked  on  states rejected the holiday, and it took  brutality  of  their  physical  assassina- sassinated  in  Birmingham’s  16th  offer  a  view  of  a  different  path.  So,
       voting, labor and other civil rights for  another 17 years for all states of the  tions and character assassinations in  Street  Baptist  Church:    Addie  Mae  when the federal government and the
       Americans.                    union  to  “reluctantly”  acknowledge  the media is what drives the need for  Collins,  Denise  McNair,  Carole  national  sensibilities  of  Americans
          All three of these men have mu- this holiday.            right-minded citizens to volunteer to  Robertson,  and  11-year-old  Cynthia  evolved to the point where their ef-
       seums,  educational  centers,  schools,                     continue their work. The idea that the  Wesley.  In the 1964 Freedom Sum- forts  were  recognized,  (even  if  not
       and  streets  named  after  them,  but  The Core of the Holiday Is Service   struggle  was  worthy  of  the  ultimate  mer  James  Chaney,  Michael  Schw- agreed with), then it is incumbent to
       only one of the three has a national   What  is  important  about  MLK  sacrifice if there would be reward in  erner,  and  Andrew  Goodman  were  keep “the dream” alive.
       holiday in his honor: Dr Martin Lu- Day is the service – the aiding, assist- the long run is verified in the quotes  tortured and murdered by the KKK
       ther King Jr MLK Day is the only fed- ing, helping, improving, and working  below which exemplify an unwaver- with help from the deputy sheriff in  The Muslim Perspective
       eral holiday designated as a National  on  behalf  of  others.  This  usefulness  ing sense of service to their fellow hu- Mississippi.  They  were  teenagers,   As  Muslims,  we  already  have  the
       Day of Service inviting all Americans  to our neighbors and community not  man beings.   Black,  White,  Christian  and  Jewish  life example of the Prophet Muhammad,
       to volunteer on that day to improve  only  honors  and  acknowledges  the   “As  long  as  God  gives  me  all willing to stand up for the rights   (Continued on page 23)
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