Page 7 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
P. 7
Muslim Year in Review 2022
n By Mahasin Shamsid-Deen of the world’s foremost experts on ranking American Muslim soldier
and Samana Siddiqui transplanting animal organs, known who is also a Tiktok sensation, with
Chicago, IL as xenotransplantation. about 43,000 followers.
-In India, protests began in ear- -French Region cancels subsidy
JANUARY ly January after a government-run to Art Festival over Mural of Woman
-Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdalla women’s college in the coastal city of Wearing Hijab
Hamdok resigns amid deadly protests Udupi barred Muslim students wear-
and political deadlock after a military ing the hijab from classrooms, saying FEBRUARY
coup that derailed the country’s tran- it was not part of the school uniform. -ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-
sition to democracy. Hamdok’s deci- The following month, Muskan Khan, Hashimi al-Qurashi is killed in a
sion came six weeks after he returned a student who gains international counter-terrorism raid by US spe-
to his post in a deal with coup leaders. headlines after her iconic rebuttal of cial forces in north-western Syria. It two years. Both were closed for the the square to protest.
He had said that he could save Sudan’s “Allahu Akbar” to a group of men was the biggest American raid in the spiritual retreat due to the coronavi- -Five Muslims injured in drive-
move to democracy. But the country’s who heckled her for wearing a hijab, country since the 2019 operation that rus pandemic. by shooting in Toronto suburb of
pro-democracy movement rejected puts a face on the challenge stating killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Bagh- -Muslim Council of Ukraine Scarborough. The men had finished
President Sheikh Seyran Aryfov, in a Taraweeh prayers and were randomly
virtual discussion with the Manitoba attacked.
Islamic Association in Canada, says -K-POP singer Daud Kim per-
an estimated 10,000 Ukranian Mus- forms Umra and visits Madinah dur-
lims are dead due to the ongoing war ing Ramadan, posting a picture of
with Russia. Aryfov estimates there himself in Ihram in front of the Kaba.
were about 1.5 million Muslims liv- Kim converted to Islam in 2019, and
ing in Ukraine prior to Russia's inva- changed his name from Jay Kim to
sion, and most of them were in areas Daud Kim. He says a trip to Indo-
hardest hit by the war. nesia was the first step that led him
-Islamic scholars at an Ulema to finding out more about Islam, and
gathering in Kabul, Afghanistan call eventually converting.
on the Taliban to reopen schools for -20 Muslim-owned shops de-
Hamtramck, Michigan, the city swears in its first Muslim mayor, Amer Ghalib, along with Adam Albarmaki, Amanda Jaczkowski and girls in grades 7 to 12. The group had molished in New Delhi, India before
Khalil Refai, who make up the city’s first-ever all-Muslim council. shut down high schools for girls fol- India's Supreme Court halted the
lowing their takeover in August 2021. demolitions,. But for nearly an hour
that agreement, and Hamdok did about her choice of dress : “It is be- dadi. after the Supreme Court order, local
not name a new government as thou- yond a symbol of Islam for us; it is a -Russia invades Ukraine. The APRIL officials continued the demolition, in-
sands of Sudanese citizens continued vessel of our self-respect.” EU, the US, and their allies commit -Ramadan begins April 2. Mus- cluding that of the outer entrance and
to protest against the military’s coup. -A baby boy handed in despera- to removing Russian banks from lims around the world start fasting, stairs leading into a mosque. Govern-
-A nationwide state of emer- tion to an American soldier across an the SWIFT payment system, which engaging in charitable deeds, and of- ment officials stopped the bulldozers
gency is declared in Kazakhstan after airport wall in the chaos of the US serves as the main messaging net- fering meals to the hungry. just outside the entrance of a Hindu
protests related to a sharp increase evacuation of Afghanistan in August work through which international -A report by the Lily Family temple, not far from the mosque, and
in liquefied gas prices. This was after 2021 is found and reunited with his payments are initiated. They also im- School of Philanthropy’s Muslim Phi- began to retreat. Muslim residents
the government lifted its price cap on relatives. pose measures on the Russian Cen- lanthropy Initiative finds that Muslim expressed outrage and said they were
January 1. Although the protests be- -17 people, including eight chil- tral Bank and further restrictions on
gan peacefully, after spreading to oth- dren, are killed in a fire in a high rise Russian elites. These and other sanc-
er cities, especially the nation's largest in the Bronx, New York. All were tions fuel a financial crisis in Russia.
city Almaty, the demonstrations turn Muslim immigrants from West Af- -The Canadian Council of Mus-
into violent riots, as a result of dis- rica. lim Women, led by Toronto sociology
satisfaction with the government and -US President Joe Biden nomi- professor Sarah Shah, issues a study
widespread poverty. ssDuring the nates the first Muslim woman to that sheds light on how Canadian
week-long unrest and crackdowns, serve as a federal judge in the Eastern Muslim women experience poorer
227 people are killed and over 9,900 District of New York. Nusrat Choud- social and economic conditions com-
were arrested, according to Kazakh hury is the legal director of the Amer- pared to non-Muslim women.
officials. The cabinet of prime min- ican Civil Liberties Union of Illinois.
ister Askar Mamin resigns, while She is the second Muslim American MARCH
president Kassym-Jomart Tokayev federal judge after the Senate con- -The United Nations declares
removes former president Nursultan firmed Zahid Quraishi, who is also March 15 International Day To Com-
Nazarbayev. a Biden nominee, to the US District bat Islamophobia. Its General Assem-
-The first successful heart trans- Court for the District of New Jersey bly adopted the resolution by consen- Adeel Rana becomes New York’s First Muslim-American Deputy Police Commander.
sus. It was introduced by Pakistan on The news comes less than a week after the city announced it would settle two lawsuits that
behalf of the Organization of Islamic alleged the NYPD spied on Muslims after the 9/11 attacks because of their religion
Cooperation and marks the day in
2019 when a white supremacist gun- Americans gave $1.8 billion in zakat being targeted.
man entered two mosques in Christ- funding to domestic and internation-
church, New Zealand, killing 51 vic- al causes in 2021. The average Muslim MAY
tims and injuring 40 others. American household donated $2,070 -Muslims around the world cel-
-The Bollywood film \“The of Zakat funds to charity, ebrate Eid-ul-Fitr.
Kashmir Files” about the exodus of -Google bans dozens of apps that -Detroit Opera Presents X: The
Kashmiri Hindus from the region, were harvesting Muslim data For US Life and Times of Malcolm X. Direct-
and praised by Indian Prime Minister Defense Contractor. The Panama- ed by Robert O’Hara and conducted
Narendra Modi, instigates anti-Mus- based company that wrote the data- by Kazem Abdullah, the opera de-
lim sentiment in India, with some collecting code is linked to a defense scribes the rise and fall of one of his-
viewers calling for the genocide of contractor that does cyberintelli- tory’s most influential Black men. It
Muslims. gence work for American agencies in is told through an Afrofuturism lens
-Dr Hashima Hasan is part of the team that helped develop the Hubble Space Telescope, -The first Islamic school in Aus- Virginia. The code was found in sev- with musical notes from swing, scat,
which has captured historic images of the universe. In a July 12 live event, NASA released tralia’s Northern Territory opens its eral Muslim prayer apps, among oth- and modal jazz.
the images captured from the telescope. These will allow scientists to make discoveries about doors. The Australian International ers, and reportedly ran on millions of -Six Muslims are among Time
the life cycle of stars, galaxies, and planets and use that information to understand the ever- Islamic College is open to students of Android devices. Magazine’s “100 Most Influential
expanding universe. Hasan was part of the committee that identified and selected objects to all backgrounds. Australia is home to -The Danish leader of the far- People of 2022”. They include Presi-
be imaged that demonstrate that the powerful new instruments were ready for science.
over 600,000 Muslims, who make up right Stram Kurs party burns a copy dent Samia Suluhu Hassan, who was
about 2.6 per cent of the population, of the Qur’an in a heavily-populated elected the first female president of
plant from a pig to a human patient in June. Quraishi is the first Muslim according to the Australian Bureau of Muslim area in Sweden. Accompa- Tanzania in 2021 and Khurram Per-
occurs in Baltimore, Maryland by a American federal judge In US His- Statistics. nied by police, Rasmus Paludan, went vez, chairperson of the Asian Federa-
team that includes Dr Muhammad tory. -Saudi Arabia announces the re- to an open public space and placed tion Against Involuntary Disappear-
Mohiuddin, scientific director of the -News reports highlight Army sumption of Itikaf during Ramadan the holy book and burned it while ances. He was arrested by the Indian
university’s animal-to-human trans- Colonel Khallid Shabazz, who is also in the Grand Mosque in Makkah and ignoring protests from onlookers. government in November 2021, and
plant program. He is considered one a US Army Chaplain, as highest- Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah after About 200 demonstrators gathered in (Continued on page 23)