Page 1 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
P. 1

Vol. 33/3 Jamada Al-Thani 27, 1444 AH                                    Friday, January 20, 2023                                                            US & Canada $1.00

       PAGE  7                               PAGE  9                              PAGE  21

           Muslim                              FAFEN Says                          Misha Lakhani
           Year in                             Controversies                          Couture                          For news, updated
           Review                                in Sindh                           Collection for                     round the clock,visit
            2022                                 LG Polls                            Spring 2023                       www.PakistanLink

         Committee Constituted to                        Saudi Arabia Mulling                                                 ECP Gears up for Polls in
       Choose Caretaker CM of Punjab                                                                                              Punjab and KPK
                                          ‘Creative Ways’ to Support Pakistan

                                                                                                support” to Pakistan.
                                                                                                   Speaking  at  the  World  Eco-
                                                                                                nomic  Forum,  Mohammed  Al-
                                                                                                Jadaan also indicated the kingdom
                                                                                                is  changing  the  way  it  provides
       A view of the Punjab Assembly before its dissolution                                     assistance  to  allies,  shifting  from
                                                                                                previously giving direct grants and  ISLAMABAD:  In  an  unprecedented
       LAHORE:  Punjab  Assembly  Speaker                                                       deposits unconditionally.  move, the Election Commission of Paki-
       Sibtain Khan on Thursday informed that                                                      “We used to give direct grants  stan will liaise with the governors of Pun-
       a  bi-partisan  parliamentary  committee                                                 and  deposits  without  strings  at- jab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa to finalize
       has been constituted to finalize the name                                                tached and we are changing that.  the date of holding elections in both the
       for  the  caretaker  Punjab  chief  minister                                             We are working with multilateral  provinces  following  the  dissolution  of
       (CM).                                                                                    institutions to actually say we need  their legislatures.
          The  decision  came  as  CM  Parvez                                                   to see reforms,” the minister said.
       Elahi and Leader of the Opposition Ham-  Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed Al-Jadaan speaks at the World Economic Forum .AFP  “We are taxing our people, we   The  election  watchdog,  which  is
       za Shehbaz could not reach a consensus                                                   are expecting also others to do the  bound to hold elections in three months
       over a name for the top slot.    DAVOS: After extending the term  ister  has  said  his  country  is  also  same, to do their efforts. We want  as per the Constitution, will write letters
          According to a notification, the par-  of a $3 billion deposit to boost its  discussing  with  the  World  Bank  to help but we want you also to do  to the governors of both the provinces to
       liamentary committee includes Mian   foreign-currency reserves late last  and other institutions how it can  your part.”  seek a final date for the polls.
              (Continued on page 12)    year,  Saudi  Arabia’s  finance  min- be “more creative to provide that   (Continued on page 4)  (Continued on page 12)

           Nawaz Takes Stock as                    US Wants to See Pakistan                                                   Imran Feels PDM Will Be
          PML-N Leaders Gather                                                                                                “Forced to Hold General
                 in London                        ‘Economically Sustainable’                                                     Elections by April”

                                        WASHINGTON:     The   United
                                        States wants to see Pakistan in an
                                        ‘economically  sustainable’  posi-
                                        tion, US State Department spokes-
                                        person  Ned  Price  said  during  a
                                        press briefing on Wednesday.
                                            The  spokesperson  was  asked
                                        if the US was paying any attention
                                        to Pakistan after it had less than $5
       Nawaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz and other PML-N   billion left in its foreign exchange
       leaders file out of Stanhope House after a top-  reserves  or  if  it  was  planning  to                            LAHORE:  Predicting  that  general  elec-
       level huddle on Thursday.Photo by the writer  give  debt  relief  to  the  country.                                 tions might take place in the country in
                                        Price  maintained  that  this  was  a                                              April,  former  prime  minister  and  Paki-
               n By Atika Rehman        challenge the US was “attuned” to.                                                 stan  Tehreek-e-Insaf  (PTI)  Chairman
                                            “I  know  that  Pakistan  has   Pakistan’s macroeconomic stability was a topic of conversation between the   Imran Khan on Wednesday said that his
       LONDON:  Breaking  his  silence  for  the   been  working  with  the  IMF  [In-  Department of State and its counterparts, the White House, the Treasury   party had “no relationship with the new
       first  time  after  his  party  faced  a  major   ternational Monetary Fund], with  Department, and others, according to Ned Price  military leadership yet”.
       political blow in Punjab following Parvez   international  financial  institu-                                          “Look,  we  don’t  have  any  relation-
       Elahi’s  victory  in  a  vote  of  confidence   tions. We want to see Pakistan in   Price  explained  that  while  the international financial institu- ship  with  (the  new  military  leadership)
       shortly before the dissolution of the pro-  an economically sustainable posi- Washington could be “supportive”  tions.  at the moment,” the ex-premier said to a
       vincial assembly, PML-N supreme leader   tion. Those conversations, as I un- of Islamabad, the ultimate conver-  He was also asked if the US   question during an interview with BBC
              (Continued on page 12)    derstand it, are ongoing,” he said.  sations were between Pakistan and   (Continued on page 12)  (Continued on page 12)

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